
Step Up Revolution


Step Up Revolution (2012)Movie Review: «Step Up Revolution».

English Title: Step Up 4: Miami Heat.
Production: USA, 2012.
Release Date: 17.07.2012 (USA), 26.07.2012 (Netherlands).
Russian Distributor: West Video (26.07.2012).
Official Website: English
Genres: 3D / Dance / Melodrama / Musical / Romance / Sequel.
Director: Scott Speer.
Starring: Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormick, Peter Gallagher.
Running Time: 99 minutes.

Flash Mob

Jon M. Chu as the Director of the previous two Step Up episdoes has taken over the Producer’s functions for Step Up Revolution. Characters by Duane Adler were adapted to the screenplay of a newcomer Jenny Mayer. The trio of choreographers here included Christopher Scott, Chuck Maldonado and Jamal Sims, who filled the dances with a variety of styles ranging from freestyle and contemporary to some ballet techniques and Latina, however, this time in contrast to the StreetDance 2 film they weren’t mixed with each other. Still Emily is seeking to update all her classical skills with Sean’s more original street technique.

All the action in the new film is set in Miami. Dance group Mob here headed by Sean and Eddy performed by Misha Gabriel are hunting for a big YouTube award. Internet services ads depicted in films are growing, if you remember huge Product Placement for Skype software in the 4:44 Last Day on Earth (2011) story. In order to get the prize money, Mob needs to collect 10 mln. of Views for their videos. The team also employs the services of the dancer Jason and DJ named Penelope presented by Stephen Boss from So You Think You Can Dance and Cleopatra Coleman.

Step Up Revolution also introduces a lot of other Mob dancers performing in a crowd as well as a hacker, parkour fans and even a man, who prefers to speak with his Graffiti. Together, they spend time in South American style club to discuss the past and plan new actions, performed on the verge of provocation on the streets with blocking traffic or in art museums and other places not suitable for dancing. Every time they leave their logo, which might be drawn or constructed out of nearly anything. Sean and Eddie are working as waiters in a fashionable hotel, where the newly appointed manager Trip with a face of Tommy Dewey gets harsh on them.

Everything changes after Sean meets Emily Anderson on the beach. The girl dances well, but it isn’t enough to pass an exam with Olivia played by choreographer Mia Michaels looking for new talents for her own show. Sean’s sister named Claire is performed by Megan Boone. She tries to convince him to find a more realistic job and stop spending too much time dancing. Alas, he is too much concentrated on his dream to listen to her. When Emliy’s rich father plans to rebuild one neighborhood in Miami, where Sean and his friends live, Mob gets a new goal. The tycoon’s name is Mr. Anderson presented by actor Peter Gallagher, better known for his great role of a lawyer named Sandy Cohen in the The OC (2003-2007) series on TV.

Anderson feels lonely, and Peter Gallagher does his best to reflect this personal drama of a man, whose closest person is his daugher. Unfortunately for him, she is too tired from his guidance and doesn’t want to become his business successor. Anderson doesn’t consider her dancing seriously giving her a term either to start doing it professionally or to give up on her dreams, quit and move with him back to Cleveland. At first, Emily looks for a place in the Mob’s team to learn some new tricks, but later on she secretly joins the resistance to her father’s recent decision to demolish the native places for dancers and build all new expensive property there. Themes of love, deceit, betrayal, and impulsive behavior are covered briefly by Step Up Revolution, where there are no obvious villains. In one cameo Robert «Moose» Alexander III appears, who is a regular member of the Step Up franchise presented again by Adam Sevani.

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Spectacular dancing enhances the pace of a simple romantic story

Step Up RevolutionStep Up Revolution

Read on further to learn about filming and the soundtrack of Step Up Revolution.

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24.07.2012 | Movies | Alex "Jace" Ivanchenko

Step Up Revolution »2

Step Up Revolution
The new Melodrama titled Step Up Revolution, Review of one we are providing here, is the 4th entry in the popular dance franchise Step Up. The film by Scott Speer features Miami-based characters played by Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormic, Peter Gallagher and a lot of good dancing. More »
| Movies
Step Up Revolution (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Dance movie Step Up Revolution. In this new Melodrama a group of dancers called Mob look out for fame and struggling for the existence of their neighborhood. The film by Scott Speer stars stars Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormick and Peter Gallagher. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 2

Step Up Revolution
The new Melodrama titled Step Up Revolution, Review of one we are providing here, is the 4th entry in the popular dance franchise Step Up. The film by Scott Speer features Miami-based characters played by Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormic, Peter Gallagher and a lot of good dancing. More »
| Movies
Step Up Revolution (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Dance movie Step Up Revolution. In this new Melodrama a group of dancers called Mob look out for fame and struggling for the existence of their neighborhood. The film by Scott Speer stars stars Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormick and Peter Gallagher. More »
| Movies, Videos

Videos » 1

Step Up Revolution (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Dance movie Step Up Revolution. In this new Melodrama a group of dancers called Mob look out for fame and struggling for the existence of their neighborhood. The film by Scott Speer stars stars Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormick and Peter Gallagher. More »
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