
Movies »73

Dark Shadows (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new American comedy, which is titled Dark Shadows (2012). This movie as a Gothic Comedy based on a famous U.S. TV show stars Johnny Depp as a Vampire travelling in time to battle his former enemy and help the family to restore the old glory. More »
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On the 27th of April, 2012 the new Crime Thriller opens in the U.S. It is titled Safe, Review of which will tell you about the new Action flick starring Jason Statham, where he has to bring to the play influenced by the 1970s police stories some dramatic performance to his usual brutality. More »
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Safe (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new American Crime Thriller film titled Safe (2012). Here the former New York cop decides to protect a 12-year-old Chinese girl hunted by the Russian mafia, the asian Triads and corrupt police officers all trying to bring her down for the code she knows. More »
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The Battleship Review is already here to let you know all the worth noting things about the newest Sci-Fi blockbuster directed by Peter Berg. Bringing together an international cast and trying some fresh ideas with the Alien invasion, this film delivers a memorable and satisfying experience. More »
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Battleship (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new American Sci-Fi Action Epic movie entitled as Battleship (2012). This film makes a group of the U.S. and Japanese Navy sailors fend off the attack by the Alien invaders landed in the Pacific Ocean. By all means they have to use all the skills to stop the enemy. More »
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American Reunion
The American Reunion Review in this article will tell you about the leading Comedy attraction for the Spring of 2012. This story features the intriguing sequel released 13 years since the original story, while still featuring all the same cast brought together by the Producers of the movie. More »
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American Reunion (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new American R-rated Comedy named American Reunion (2012). In this film based on the original Adam Herz characters, all the Class of '99 from the first movie is brought together to the Bachelors' Party with all the familiar faces attending to make you laugh more. More »
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Mirror Mirror
15th March, 2012 marks the day of the World Premiere of the film Mirror Mirror, Review of which is already here. We have just seen it, laughed a lot, and are now ready to share all our impressions telling you about this new Tarsem Singh movie project for Hollywood. Read on for the details! More »
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Mirror Mirror (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Fantasy motion picture entitled as Mirror Mirror (2012). In this film based on the Brothers Grimm story the Snow White fights the Evil Queen. Its Director is Tarsem Singh, while Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, Armie Hammer and Sean Bean are starring. More »
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Dr. Seuss' The Lorax
The new animated feature film Dr. Seuss' The Lorax, review of which is already here, will tell you about the latest adaptation of a famous Dr. Seuss' novel. Here one orange forest keeped will try to share his wisdom, while young heroes will struggle for returning nature to its previous state. More »
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