
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference

Video Broadcasts

Our Video filmed at the Moscow Press Conference of the Dead Before Dawn 3D (2012) horror comedy film is ready for you to watch and also enjoy. This full version with original English Audio Channel was specifically designed thinking about our foreign readership as well. The Russian speech of the questions was reduced to minimum, though we saved a few such moments, where we considered the emotional reactions of both Tim Doiron and April Mullen listening to these questions important for the mood of the event.

Talented actress, director April Mullen with actor, writer Tim Doiron spent a day in Moscow in the beginning of October, 2012 during their Promotional Tour dedicated to their newest movie. Canadian stars are ready to engage in a new project, which might be a high-budget comedy title, but this time they mainly spoke about the already finished film. Dead Before Dawn isn’t only making fun of Zombies and some titles related to this genre, but also another idea April and Tim take on together carrying from the start to the finish. They both have some experience working in the movie industry, and as a writer Tim Doiron picked himself a role of the main prankster amongst the available characters. The sequel might appear as well, if the audience likes the new story.

April Mullen started her career from sneaking to the set to see, how the films are made. She also appeared in an episode of A History of Violence (2005) thriller and some TV series. Along with Tim Doiron she then created the title Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Way of the Tosser (2007) – a low-budget comedy using a contest as a foundation. Later on they moved to GravyTrain (2010). Tim Doiron and April Mullen in Moscow were separated by a translator girl named Julia, but still they both looked very confident and excited about their trip. During the Dead Before Dawn Press Conference they were joined by several Russian VOs including Nikita Dzhigurda, TV journalist Svetlana Kuritsina and video blogger Roman Zhelud. By the way, Nikita dubbed the character of Christopher Lloyd.

The latter one have been engaged in many titles over the years, and looks like he is enjoying comical cameos like the one from the Piranha (2010-2012) dilogy. Nikita Dzhigurda added his emotions to the event speaking with interest about his most recent job, which was trying to look cooler and more modern, rather than using the road of film parodies plaguing the screens in the XXI century. Another good thing was that the title didn’t try to use the fame of another franchise as a useful advantage. Though we did have to cut out some moments of our Video Broadcast, because the Russian VOs didn’t care about their language and tried to sound as provocative as possible.

Certainly, everyone had fun and laughed a lot, but still probably the Russians were going too far at times showing there are no forbidden topics even during Film Press Conferences. Russian producer Maxim Rogalskiy, on the other hand, tried to sound much more serious, when speaking about the distribution rights management. April Mullen and Tim Doiron also covered a lot of the creative process aspects, shared some professional secrets and one cool story about bringing Christopher Lloyd to the Dead Before Down project.

In the October, 2012 the filmmakers plan to visit Japan to show their film there and meet the audience. In Russia the title opened on the 11th of October, 2012. Before you go watching our Video made at the Dead Before Dawn Press Conference in Moscow, as always beow we are offering you to look at our pick with the Best Star Quotes of this event. You can discuss them on our Facebook page.

April Mullen (Actress, Director): «It benefits to be involved in the project from beginning through the middle and to the end. Tim and I were working really close starting from an idea, but we had to work very fast, finding the locations and filming the actors we selected. In terms of difficulties, I love making movies. I’m very fortunate to be able to do things I like so much. I wish I could speak Russian!».

Тим Дойрон (Актер, Сценарист): «There were a few changes happened to the script. We had a very tight schedule, because of shooting in 3D. We had to be very careful, though there still was some improvisation. We did have a couple of added lines like in a couple of our previous titles. Professional actors of Dead Before Dawn enriched their characters till the filming finished».

Running Time: 36 minutes and 39 seconds.

Related Videos: Moscow Premiere.

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Dead Before Dawn Press Conference in Moscow

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Dead Before Dawn Moscow Premiere (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Premiere of the new Dead Before Dawn 3D film. The evening event was attended by director April Mullen, writer Tim Doiron and some Russian dubbing stars. This full version includes the Red Carpet, fans' greetings, a welcome speech and some Interview. More »
| Movies, Videos
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Press Conference for Dead Before Dawn (2012) comedy is here. This partially English version includes director April Mullen and writer Tim Doiron answering the questions about making the movie, signing up Christopher Lloyed and future career plans. More »
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Movies » 2

Dead Before Dawn Moscow Premiere (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Premiere of the new Dead Before Dawn 3D film. The evening event was attended by director April Mullen, writer Tim Doiron and some Russian dubbing stars. This full version includes the Red Carpet, fans' greetings, a welcome speech and some Interview. More »
| Movies, Videos
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Press Conference for Dead Before Dawn (2012) comedy is here. This partially English version includes director April Mullen and writer Tim Doiron answering the questions about making the movie, signing up Christopher Lloyed and future career plans. More »
| Movies, Videos

Videos » 2

Dead Before Dawn Moscow Premiere (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Premiere of the new Dead Before Dawn 3D film. The evening event was attended by director April Mullen, writer Tim Doiron and some Russian dubbing stars. This full version includes the Red Carpet, fans' greetings, a welcome speech and some Interview. More »
| Movies, Videos
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Press Conference for Dead Before Dawn (2012) comedy is here. This partially English version includes director April Mullen and writer Tim Doiron answering the questions about making the movie, signing up Christopher Lloyed and future career plans. More »
| Movies, Videos
GameScope * Dead Before Dawn * Full Video Broadcast of Dead Before Dawn Press Conference in Moscow
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