
The Hidden Face


The Hidden Face (2011)Movie Trailer: «The Hidden Face».

English Title: La Cara Oculta.
Production: Columbia / Spain, 2011.
Release Date: 16.09.2011 (Spain), 10.02.2012 (Italy).
Russian Distributor: Top Film Distribution (08.11.2012).
Official Website: Spanish
Genres: Criminal / Drama / Horror / Thriller.
Director: Andr?s Baiz.
Starring: Martina Garc?a, Quim Guti?rrez, Clara Lago.
Age Rating: 16+.
Running Time: 92 minutes.

The Official HD-Trailer for the psychological thriller, The Hidden Face (La Cara Oculta, 2011) from studios Avalon, Cactus Flower, Dynamo and also Fox International Productions. This Co-production of Spain and Colombia was created under the leadership of the eight producers, many of which are united by a common one previous project – the film Satanas (2007). So, they were Andres Calderon, his nearly namesake Andr?s Fernando Calder?n, Juliana Florez and executive producer Rodrigo Guerrero.

Director and screenwriter for the film at the same time with a minimal cast was Andr?s Baiz, who held a similar position for the Satanas title which also played an actress Martina Garc?a, here for the second time working with Andr?s Baiz. Convoluted plot immediately generates a considerable amount of associations in the search for clues, but they are rapidly losing their relevance, since it isn’t just another story about monsters, but more an emotional thriller with its dramatic narrative, depicting women’s feelings and actions.

Adri?n (Quim Guti?rrez) is a successful young maestro, who was just invited to work for one season in the prestigious Bogota Philharmony in Colombia. There he travels from Spain with his girlfriend Belen (Clara Lago), which was one of the leading actresses in the Tengo Ganas De Ti (2012) melodrama. However, her boyfriend flirting with a female violinist brings heroine of Belen off her balance, and she decides to give in to her suspicions making the upcoming feelings change both their lives.

The middle and the beginning of the story are reversed, so the motion picture The Hidden Face begins with the fact that Adri?n finds a farewell message from Bel?n, where she says about leaving him. Maestro finds solace in the arms of a young waitress Fabiana (Martin Garc?a), but she soon learns that the ex-girlfriend of her new boyfriend had recently disappeared, and in the house where they now live, some very strange apparitions start to take place.

In the second part of the story a former hostess Emma (Alexandra Stewart) befriends Bel?n face and tells her about the mystery of an old house, leaving her with a dog named Hans and returning home to Germany. Further developments lead to the fact that the various stories intersect at one point, leaving out the meaningless hero of Adri?n, who here performs rather support functions.

Spanish cinematographer Josep M. Civit focuses on two points: light and then darkness, which is reflected in the title of the film La Cara Oculta or The Hidden Face. However, the light, in this case, does not mean good. The contrast of colors and frank nude scenes, where Martina Garcia had the most of such, became the hallmarks of the new story by ? Baiz. Argentinian composer Federico Jusid recorded soundtracks not only to dozens of different television series, but also to many Hispanic movies. Here he has set out his orchestral music history, which could very well replace the occasional and simplified dialogues.

Running Time: 2 minutes and 46 seconds.

Read More: Review.

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The Hidden Face Film Trailer
(Age Rating: 16+)

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The Hidden Face (La Cara Oculta)
Psychological thriller The Hidden Face, Review of which will tell you about the title by Andr?s Baiz, is built around the feelings of hatred, jealousy, love, lust. Here The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta (2012) film stars Martina Garcia, Quim Gutierrez and already famous internationally Clara Lago. More »
| Movies
The Hidden Face (2011)
The Official HD-trailer for new The Hidden Face (2011) thriller film. A young couple moves in to a new house, and the girl disappears afterwards. The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta by Andres Baiza stars both young Martina Garcia and Clara Lago in the leading female parts of the emotional story. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 2

The Hidden Face (La Cara Oculta)
Psychological thriller The Hidden Face, Review of which will tell you about the title by Andr?s Baiz, is built around the feelings of hatred, jealousy, love, lust. Here The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta (2012) film stars Martina Garcia, Quim Gutierrez and already famous internationally Clara Lago. More »
| Movies
The Hidden Face (2011)
The Official HD-trailer for new The Hidden Face (2011) thriller film. A young couple moves in to a new house, and the girl disappears afterwards. The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta by Andres Baiza stars both young Martina Garcia and Clara Lago in the leading female parts of the emotional story. More »
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Videos » 1

The Hidden Face (2011)
The Official HD-trailer for new The Hidden Face (2011) thriller film. A young couple moves in to a new house, and the girl disappears afterwards. The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta by Andres Baiza stars both young Martina Garcia and Clara Lago in the leading female parts of the emotional story. More »
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