
Dead Before Dawn Premiere

Video Broadcasts

Our Video of the Dead Before Dawn 3D (2012) film Premiere in Moscow. A satirical story about a group of friends provoking an ancient curse. The main roles in it were taken out by its creators – director April Mullen and screenwriter Tim Doiron. They have been working together on this film for more than a year, releasing their third project in the Comedy genre. In the coming years, the duo will stage a more expensive film, since their titles already got other producers interested.

April Mullen chose a way to start her acting career long ago, from sneaking to movie sets to watch, how the movies were being made. She also appeared in an episode of A History of Violence (2005) thriller and took a part in several television series. April Mullen together with Tim Doiron later on started a project Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Way of the Tosser (2007) – a low-budget comedy revolving around the playful humor contest. Furthermore, they both created the crime comedy – GravyTrain (2010).

At the Premiere of Dead Before Dawn several Russian dubbing stars accompanied the creators, including actors Nikita Dzhigurda, TV broadcaster Svetlana Kuritsyna and also online blogger nicknamed Roma Acorn. Nikita was happy to voice over the character of Christopher Lloyd. However, Svetlana Kuritsyna did not stay until the end of the event leaving early. Meanwhile, April Mullen and Tim Doiron spent enough time on stage, giving out Interviews to journalists and talking to the fans attending the show.

The movie hall was gradually filling with spectators, and when incoming crowd got that the filmmakers are on the stage, may rushed to the scene to take one memory photo or sign an autograph. In the old «Kodak Kinomir» (Nastasyinsky per. 2) cinema accepting one of its last premieres ever before being shut down, the stars were discussing the new movie not only before its start for a wide audience, but also earlier during the extended Press Conference, where Tim Doiron mentioned the evolution of the script.

Young April Mullen, who has long been interested in the film industry, looked pleased and happy spending time in Moscow. She told us about the beginning of her acting career, more about the challenges of combining acting and directing roles. All this you will soon see see and hear yourself in our exclusive Interview with the creators of the horror comedy Dead Before Dawn . For his part, Tim Doiron also shared some sources of inspiration, talking about films and directors, which he recalled during the creative process.

In Russia, April Mullen and Tim Doiron took part in a Press Conference supplying the movie’s released to the theaters. Another unusual precedent was the couple staying to watch the movie dubbed in Russian at the Premiere, though typicall VIP-guests leave the scene after the official presentation speech runs out to go to a celebrative dinner. This time the filmmakers Dead Before Dawn got intrigued in how the title sounds in the Russian language. We will provide you with a Review of the story later on.

The Premiere of Dead Before Dawn in Moscow started late, because the reporters and the fans did not want to let Canadian celebrities leave early and spend as much as possible communicating with them through various topics. The stars didn’t deny this and were ready to answer all the incoming questions. Tim Doiron always stayed close to April Mullen, and for us, they both even remembered their most favorite summer comedy, which happened to be the Ted (2012) film.

While Nikita Dzhigurda ran to the foyer for some snack, where he also was caught off guard by unplanned Interviews at the «Kodak Kinomir» cinema, the rest were gathering on the stage. Later the Premiere of the Dead Before Dawn film, we present here and now in our extended Video Version was launched with the traditional greeting for the whole audience, though this time the surrounding scenery was looking quite ascetic. Those, who stayed to see the movie, later on got another chance to chat with April Mullen and Tim Doiron.

Some people were able to see themselves in our Photos, while the entire Press Conference lasted a little longer than planned, and the Photoshoot was rather short. The celebrities were accompanied by their producer Maxim Rogalsky and translator Julia, who was shocked at time with Nikita Dzhigurda delivering many additional and even provocative remarks for translation. Everything else you can already see in this Video from the Premiere of the film, where we have combined in one video a cool variety of episodes from its start to the finish, including several interviews.

Running Time: 8 minutes and 56 seconds.

Related Videos: Press Conference.

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Dead Before Dawn Premiere in Moscow

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Dead Before Dawn Moscow Premiere (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Premiere of the new Dead Before Dawn 3D film. The evening event was attended by director April Mullen, writer Tim Doiron and some Russian dubbing stars. This full version includes the Red Carpet, fans' greetings, a welcome speech and some Interview. More »
| Movies, Videos
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Press Conference for Dead Before Dawn (2012) comedy is here. This partially English version includes director April Mullen and writer Tim Doiron answering the questions about making the movie, signing up Christopher Lloyed and future career plans. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 2

Dead Before Dawn Moscow Premiere (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Premiere of the new Dead Before Dawn 3D film. The evening event was attended by director April Mullen, writer Tim Doiron and some Russian dubbing stars. This full version includes the Red Carpet, fans' greetings, a welcome speech and some Interview. More »
| Movies, Videos
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Press Conference for Dead Before Dawn (2012) comedy is here. This partially English version includes director April Mullen and writer Tim Doiron answering the questions about making the movie, signing up Christopher Lloyed and future career plans. More »
| Movies, Videos

Videos » 2

Dead Before Dawn Moscow Premiere (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Premiere of the new Dead Before Dawn 3D film. The evening event was attended by director April Mullen, writer Tim Doiron and some Russian dubbing stars. This full version includes the Red Carpet, fans' greetings, a welcome speech and some Interview. More »
| Movies, Videos
Dead Before Dawn Press Conference (2012)
Our Video recorded at the Moscow Press Conference for Dead Before Dawn (2012) comedy is here. This partially English version includes director April Mullen and writer Tim Doiron answering the questions about making the movie, signing up Christopher Lloyed and future career plans. More »
| Movies, Videos
GameScope * Dead Before Dawn * Full Video Broadcast of Dead Before Dawn Premiere in Moscow
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