
The Hidden Face


The Hidden Face (2011)Movie Review: «The Hidden Face».

English Title: La Cara Oculta.
Production: Columbia / Spain, 2011.
Release Date: 16.09.2011 (Spain), 10.02.2012 (Italy).
Russian Distributor: Top Film Distribution (08.11.2012).
Official Website: Spanish
Genres: Criminal / Drama / Horror / Thriller.
Director: Andrés Baiz.
Starring: Martina García, Quim Gutiérrez, Clara Lago.
Age Rating: 16+.
Running Time: 92 minutes.

Love Triangle

Adrián played by actor Quim Gutiérrez is a talented maestro, who was invited to play a season with a Philharmonic orchestra at the colombian capital – Bogota. There he travels from Spain with his girlfriend Belén, which is presented here by the actress Clara Lago. However, she can’t stand flirting of her future groom with a female violinist, what brings Belén off balance, and she decides to submit to her feelings, what in The Hidden Face thriller changes the lives of both her and her boyfriend.

The middle and the beginning of the story are reversed, so the film begins with the fact that Adrian finds a farewell message from Belén, where she says she is, suddenly, breaks up, because of starting to date someone else. Maestro then finds his solace in the arms of a young waitress named Fabiana, performed here by Martina Garcia. Soon the new girl learns that the ex-one disappeared, and in the house where they live, she starts noticing mysterious happenings.

In addition, the local police officers suspect Adrian in the kidnapping and murder. The house is stull full of Belén’s belongings, making her whole disappearance in The Hidden Face drama even less understandable. The second part of the story is told from the Belén’s perspective, who in the past happened to befriend Emma, played by Alexandra Stewart. She reveals to her the old mystery of their temporarily rented home.

Emma leaves her house to the young couple asking in return just to care of her beloved dog Hans. Then Emma returns home to Germany. Further developments lead to the fact that all the various stories intersect at one point, making Adrián merely a supporting character losing himself in the women’s enraging duel.

The The Hidden Face movie is notable for its emotional component. Heroines rather convincingly respond to what is happening around, but really at times carry out nonsense actions, simply like any other person in this world. The girls are sometimes plagued by doubts and anger, but they only emphasize the whole complexity of the female nature, which in such situations like love triangles always remains unpredictable.

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Mind against the Senses

The Hidden FaceThe Hidden Face

Read on further to learn about filming and the soundtrack of The Hidden Face.

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12.11.2012 | Movies | Marina "Summer" Novikova

The Hidden Face »2

The Hidden Face (La Cara Oculta)
Psychological thriller The Hidden Face, Review of which will tell you about the title by Andrés Baiz, is built around the feelings of hatred, jealousy, love, lust. Here The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta (2012) film stars Martina Garcia, Quim Gutierrez and already famous internationally Clara Lago. More »
| Movies
The Hidden Face (2011)
The Official HD-trailer for new The Hidden Face (2011) thriller film. A young couple moves in to a new house, and the girl disappears afterwards. The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta by Andres Baiza stars both young Martina Garcia and Clara Lago in the leading female parts of the emotional story. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 2

The Hidden Face (La Cara Oculta)
Psychological thriller The Hidden Face, Review of which will tell you about the title by Andrés Baiz, is built around the feelings of hatred, jealousy, love, lust. Here The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta (2012) film stars Martina Garcia, Quim Gutierrez and already famous internationally Clara Lago. More »
| Movies
The Hidden Face (2011)
The Official HD-trailer for new The Hidden Face (2011) thriller film. A young couple moves in to a new house, and the girl disappears afterwards. The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta by Andres Baiza stars both young Martina Garcia and Clara Lago in the leading female parts of the emotional story. More »
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Videos » 1

The Hidden Face (2011)
The Official HD-trailer for new The Hidden Face (2011) thriller film. A young couple moves in to a new house, and the girl disappears afterwards. The Hidden Face or La Cara Oculta by Andres Baiza stars both young Martina Garcia and Clara Lago in the leading female parts of the emotional story. More »
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