
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Developer: CD Projekt RED
International Publisher: Atari
Russian Publisher: 1C-SoftClub
Russian Localization: Snowball Studios
Official Website: English
Genres: Action / RPG / Third Person
Platforms: PC
Release Date: 17.05.2011
Russian Release: 17.05.2011
PEGI Rating: 18+
System Requirements: Core 2 Duo 2.2, 1 GB RAM, 512 MB 3D Card, 8 GB HDD
Our Score:

The Witcher 2: Moscow Launch Report

The Witcher 2 Launch in MoscowThe Witcher 2 Launch in Moscow

On the 16th May, 2011 at one of the Moscow’s trade centers, located in the south-east of the Russian capital, the fans of The Witcher series were able to take a part in an Early Launch event of the sequel to the famous RPG-saga – The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. In addition to Moscow, a similar event took place in other Russian cities, particularly in St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar.

The guests started to get some entertainment well before the scheduled time (7 p.m.), where the game’s sales planned to get started. Just before a shop’ entrance a small stage was built and quickly surrounded by the fantasy lovers from all sides. The magic world created by a polish writer, Andrzej Sapkowski, became a game universe, when Polish developers from CD Projekt RED released the first The Witcher game back in 2007.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings was a long-waited release getting its warm welcome that day. Many games were looking to play this sequel and expected a lot out of a new RPG-title. Furthermore, the second project in the series features a rich story and a variety of difficult moral situations, where your choices have consequences that will require accepting responsibility for taken in-game actions.

A popular host was employed by the Russian publisher of the game, «1C-SoftClub», to lead the show. He didn’t give the fans a chance to rest idle even for a minute. His speeches were filled with jokes, just as it was happening at various other events and game exhibitions, so he decided not to step away from his personal style.

The fans were asked dozens of questions about The Witcher, its fantasy universe, characters and games. Guests of the The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings premiere have been very agile in answering these questions, and correct answers were sounded out pretty quickly letting the prizes travel to their happy new owners. However, this quiz was just a start of the event.

The staged show allowed to partially divert the attention of customers to itself allowing others to visit the store and grab a copy of the game. A large store area helped to avoid any excessively long queues, or the difficulties, when trying to reach the needed shelves.

ВVladimir Torcov (Snowball Studios) and Sergey OstapenkoSergey Ostapenko with a premiere's guest

The store’s employees were on duty to unpack more boxes and deliver various editions to the game’s exclusive corner. Right there it was possible not only to buy The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings itself, but also some more merchandise like an official Calendar, Mouse Pad and Calendar featuring various images and designs inspired by The Witcher’s universe. Particularly, two professional models starred in a photoshoot representing Geralt and Triss respectively in an unique printed Calendar, which will also be released in Poland by CD Projekt RED.

As it usually happens in such cases, the fans did not reject the opportunity to buy the game in multiple copies, just in case. Besides, what happens rather rarely, the first buyers could activate their game’s copies the same day and begin playing right on the 16th of May, 2011, what’s even a bit sooner than a worldwide’s release took place.

At the entrance to the store a large construction set featuring Geralt was constructed, and there was also Sergey Ostapenko posing, who became the official face of Geralt from Rivia for the game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Sergey was very responsible, when approaching his task, so he willingly let people take pictures of him and of him with them as well regardless of their age. We have even seen a couple of aged adults engaged in a conversation with him. The local Witcher also showed his fighting technique and even volunteered to help the show’s host to judge selective sports’ competitions.

From alongside the event was observed by the makers of the offical game’s Calendar and its main Russian photograph – Maxim Zayac, who invited Klodi Monsoon to pose as Triss during a photoshoot at a Moscow’s studio. Recently, we published a Russian interview with Maxim, where he spoke about the casting and the Calendar’s creation, which became an unique souvenir. Sergey Ostapenko himself has not only won jury’s sympathies out there, but his application was also endorsed by the Polish developers (CD Projekt RED) themselves.

The event was also attended by representatives of its Russian organizers. PR-managers of the «1C-SoftClub» company (Russian publisher of the game) and from the Snowball Studios, which conducted the Russian adaptation of the sequel, were working closely to ensure that the premiere of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings goes smoothly and everyone gets a desired copy of the title.

The Witcher 2 Launch in Moscow The Witcher 2 Launch in Moscow

The loyalty of the first customers was entrusted with free gifts. People buying their copies that day were receiving a free Witcher’s metallic medallion. At the Early Sales it was possible to get the cheapest jewel-box version or the Premium edition of the game, as well as to redeem the pre-ordered Collector’s Edition.

Meanwhile, the show on stage was gathering more momentum. Each holder of a check proving a purchase of a game’s copy got a chance to try out his luck in diverse contests at the The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Moscow Launch. The event managers thought it over well making some really entertaining competitions for the guests, especially because the ideas took into account the specifics of the newly released RPG-title and its features.

At one time, it was a darts session. Two copies of The Witcher’s world map were hung over, and people could try to hit the targets announced by the host, which happened to be various land regions. Not for everyone it was easy, and dozens of darts missed the required marks, but there were also some precise throwers, who managed to tame the fortune and hit all the goals.

During another contest based on The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings the fans could test their creative skills, since they were given just a few minutes to portray a new medallion for Geralt. Some of the works revealed nice artistic abilities of participants, while others just cheered the crowd with their quite unusual designs. Then there was a dice event, but we consider the Armlestling to be the biggest tournament at the event.

It is preliminary part all the visitors could participate. After the fierce strength duels 16 finalists were selected to compete between each other and with the official Geralt’s representative there – Sergey Ostapenko. Even in that fair competition there was a palce for nobility.

The Witcher 2 Launch in MoscowThe Witcher 2 Launch in Moscow

The older contenstants simply refused to take on their younger counterparts gifting them with an immediate victory without a fight to the universal applause of the public gathered at the start of sales of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings game.

There were plenty of prizes and tropheys brought by the event managers. The most active guests got dozens of «1C-SoftClub» games at the premire, which included LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, Sid Meier’s Civilization V, the original The Witcher game or even IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover. In addition, numerous merchandise gifts included posters, T-Shirts and other items featuring Geralt’s sign. The main reward for the absolute winners presumed handling them over a few powerful graphics cards designed by PowerColor.

The public launches of the most significant video game releases are becoming more of a good tradition in Russia. «1C-SoftClub» keeps up encouraging its audience. Pleased emotions were clearly visible on the faces of people, who attended the Moscow Launch of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. It is noteworthy that Early Sales events have been collecting more vistiors throughout last months. This particular show gathered several hundred of players of all ages, including girls, who are fond of video gaming.

Such events provide gamers the unique chance to buy their favorite game in the first sales’ hours and also to test their intelligence, creativity, abilities and luck to enter various contests to get rare prizes. Many of them won in a fair competition will remain a memorable tropheys for the real fans and collectors.

In the near future we will also share with you some video footage that was filmed at the The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Moscow Launch. Please, stay tuned.

See also: Interview #1 / Interview #2.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Moscow Opening

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26.05.2011 | News | GameScope News

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

The Witcher 2: Assasins of Kings

The second instalment in the RPG saga about the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, features a thoroughly engrossing, mature storyline defining new standards for thought-provoking, non-linear game narration. In addition to an epic story, the game features an original, brutal combat system that uniquely combines tactical elements with dynamic action. A new, modern game engine, responsible both for beautiful visuals and sophisticated game mechanics puts players in a lively and believable world in this RPG-game.

Game Features:

  • Advanced new customization mechanics vastly increased the possibilities for you to modify your weapons, armor and spells;
  • Enhanced RPG Experience for deeper story and role-playing: extensive non-linearity, unique inter-connected quest-lines and greatly enhanced character development;
  • An engrossing, mature storyline defining new standards for realistic, non-linear game narration: the continued adventures of Geralt of Rivia draw on events from The Witcher (2007), while proving even more captivating, epic and full of surprises;
  • New system of Mutagens gives you the ability to modify the effects of particular skills: you could, for example, enhance and modify the way your spells work, by multiplying the damage – be it greater amount, or dealing with more enemies at the same time.
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News » 1

The Witcher 2 (Moscow Opening)
On the 16th May, 2011 at one of the Moscow's big trade centers, located in the south-east of the Russian capital, the fans of The Witcher series were able to take a part in an Early Launch event of the sequel to the famous RPG-saga - The Witcher 2. More »
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Features » 1

Marek Ziemak (CD Projekt RED)
The upcoming notable RPG will be released on the 17th of May, 2011. This day The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings officially goes on sale worldwide, and meanwhile we present you an Interview with the game's Level Designer from CD Projekt RED - Marek Ziemak. More »
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