
Big Miracle


Big Miracle (2011)Movie Trailer: «Big Miracle».

English Title: Big Miracle / Everybody Loves Whales.
Production: USA / UK, 2012.
Release Dates: 03.02.2012 (USA).
Russian Distributor: UPI (02.02.2012).
Official Website: English
Genres: Drama / Melodrama.
Director: Ken Kwapis.
Starring: Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski, Kristen Bell, Dermot Mulroney.
Running Time: 123 minutes.

The Official HD-trailer for the new american Melodrama entitled - Big Miracle (Everybody Loves Whales, 2012). In the film coming from the Working Title Films and Universal Pictures studios the fate of cute marine mammals is decided, when they get trapped under frozen ice. The treacherous Alaskan weather won’t leave them a chance, unless they get some help from humans. The first request is issued by a local correspondent – Adam Carlson. Played by John Krasinski he starts with a small news event from Point Barrow, Alaska, which quickly flies all over America, causing untold excitement.

Soon, the case gets the support from his ex-girlfriend, who is also a fanatical supporter struggling for animal rights. This Rachel Kramer character is performed by Drew Barrymore portraying an Environmental Activist being ready to sacrifist anything just to draw people’s attention to the problem and make the hype reach various high-ranking officials, including a wealthy oil tycoon, J. W. McGraw, presented by Ted Danson. She is even able to pressure the local Governor Haskell (Stephen Root) initiating a rescue mission with a word also reaching the White House and the President of the U.S. himself.

The resources are gathered to initiate the Operation Breakthrough and free the whales in the Big Miracle film formerly known as Everybody Loves Whales motion picture, till it got renamed. The story is based not only on real events happened in 1988, but also partially on a book by Tom Rose named Freeing the Whales: How the Media Created the World’s Greatest Non-Event (1989). As a background for this social activity a love story is seen unfolding forming a triangle between Adam, Rachel and a model looking event journalist from a big city – Jill Jerard.

With a touch of Kristen Bell this character is adored by Adam, who is still just a little-known reporter working in Alaska. Amongst the other participants of this mission a few more stand out like the captain of the Russian Icebreaker vessel, Dimitri, played by Mark Ivanir. His notable American counterpart is Colonel Scott Boyer, which leads the U.S. National Guard pilots’s squad. That is a bold take on for Dermot Mulroney, who you could previously see in a role in The Grey (2012) thriller that we have recently reviewed as well.

Running Time: 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

Read More: Review.

Big Miracle Trailer

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28.01.2012 | Movies, Videos | GameScope

Big Miracle »2

Big Miracle (2012)
On the 3rd of February, 2012 the new Melodrama opens worldwide in theaters under the name of Big Miracle, review of it below will tell you, how three gray Whales were saved from death by a society uniting its efforts and portraying Drew Barrymore as a loyal ecological activist. More »
| Movies
Big Miracle (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new american Melodrama entitled - Big Miracle (Everybody Loves Whales, 2012). In the film the fate of cute marine mammals is decided, when they get trapped under frozen ice. The Alaskan weather won't leave a chance, unless they get help from humans. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 2

Big Miracle (2012)
On the 3rd of February, 2012 the new Melodrama opens worldwide in theaters under the name of Big Miracle, review of it below will tell you, how three gray Whales were saved from death by a society uniting its efforts and portraying Drew Barrymore as a loyal ecological activist. More »
| Movies
Big Miracle (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new american Melodrama entitled - Big Miracle (Everybody Loves Whales, 2012). In the film the fate of cute marine mammals is decided, when they get trapped under frozen ice. The Alaskan weather won't leave a chance, unless they get help from humans. More »
| Movies, Videos

Videos » 1

Big Miracle (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new american Melodrama entitled - Big Miracle (Everybody Loves Whales, 2012). In the film the fate of cute marine mammals is decided, when they get trapped under frozen ice. The Alaskan weather won't leave a chance, unless they get help from humans. More »
| Movies, Videos
GameScope * Big Miracle * Movie Trailer
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