


Gone (2012)Movie Trailer: «Gone».

English Title: Gone.
Production: USA, 2012.
Release Date: 24.02.2011 (USA).
Russian Distributor: UPI (23.02.2012).
Official Website: English
Genres: Drama / Thriller.
Director: Heitor Dhalia.
Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Carpeneter, Daniel Sunjata.
Running Time: 94 minutes.

The Official HD-trailer for the new American thriller titled Gone (2012). In this motion picure brought by the Lakeshore Entertainment and Summit Entertainment studios a young girl named Jill Parrish played by Amanda Seyfried finds herself in a difficult situation. A few years ago she was kidnapped by a stranger, who held her captive, but she still managed to escape. When her sister suddenly disappears, she believes that the killer is back and expects Molly performed by Emily Wickersham to suffer the same fate.

However, visiting police doesn’t help her at all. The Law enforcement officers consider Jill being mentally ill and do not believe her story about the kidnapper. A team of detectives led by Powers played by Daniel Sunjata would rather isolate her than try to lend a hand. The girl then has to rely on her close friends – a co-worker from the bar with the face of Jennifer Carpenter and also the classmate of the missing sister named Billy shown by Sebastian Stan.

Senior police superior in the Gone movie here is Lt. Ray Bozeman. He is played by Michael Par? and fears that Jill can become a threat to society. However, one newly joined detective Peter Hood performed by Wes Bentley trusts the girl and is ready to start an investigation. The whole psychological trick of this thriller lies in the idea, whether the kidnapper really exists, or he is a creation of one girl’s frustrated mind. Though Jill believes her intuition and is going to search for the criminal on her own. The time is limited, while she has to save her sister and to locate the villain, who as Jill thinks murdered several young girls in the previous years.

Running Time: 2 minutes and 24 seconds.

Read More: Review.

Gone Trailer

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22.02.2012 | Movies, Videos | GameScope

Gone »2

Starting from the 24th February of 2012, one girl will go looking for a serial killer. That is about a new movie named Gone, review of which will tell you more about this thriller soon coming out to theaters worldwide and starring Amanda Seyfried without spoiling any fun of the plot's twists. More »
| Movies
Gone (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new thriller entitled Gone (2012). This movie has one young girl looking for a serial killer, while no one else around believes in his existence. However, her time is limited, since the sister Molly is missing and might become another victim of the cruel villain. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 2

Starting from the 24th February of 2012, one girl will go looking for a serial killer. That is about a new movie named Gone, review of which will tell you more about this thriller soon coming out to theaters worldwide and starring Amanda Seyfried without spoiling any fun of the plot's twists. More »
| Movies
Gone (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new thriller entitled Gone (2012). This movie has one young girl looking for a serial killer, while no one else around believes in his existence. However, her time is limited, since the sister Molly is missing and might become another victim of the cruel villain. More »
| Movies, Videos

Videos » 1

Gone (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new thriller entitled Gone (2012). This movie has one young girl looking for a serial killer, while no one else around believes in his existence. However, her time is limited, since the sister Molly is missing and might become another victim of the cruel villain. More »
| Movies, Videos
GameScope * Gone * Movie Trailer
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