
Safe House


Safe House (2012)Movie Trailer: «Safe House».

English Title: Safe House.
Production: USA, 2012.
Release Date: 10.02.2012 (USA).
Russian Distributor: UPI (09.02.2012).
Official Website: English
Genres: Action / Criminal / Thriller.
Director: Daniel Espinosa.
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Denzel Washington, Brendan Gleeson.
Running Time: 117 minutes.

The official HD-trailer for the American action movie – Safe House (2012). In this motion picture brought to you by the Relativity Media and Universal Pictures studios you will meet a young CIA agent Matt Weston played by Ryan Reynolds. He had no career luck to get of a routine job, when keeping a watch on the US government secret hideout in South Africa. Evertyhing changes rapidly, just when Matt’s safe house happens to be the place, where the intelligence wants to temporarily put a dangerous wanted criminal named Tobin Frost presented by Denzel Washington.

The CIA has questions to Frost for his willingness to trade state secrets. However, this man is already followed by a gang of assassins led by a mercenary Vargas performed by Fares Fares, who are sent by those not wising to have their secrets disclosed. Soon Matt Weston becomes the only link connecting his superiors with the prisoner. In addition, now he is also responsible for his life, and Tobin Frost killed many trying to apprehend him.

The Safe House film was directed by a young Swedish talent – Daniel Espinosa. Its episodes also incorporate some roles for other famous actors as Robert Patrick, showing the CIA military operative Daniel Kiefer, and Vera Farmiga playing one of the highest ranks in the CIA – Catherine Linklater. Other notable roles went to Brendan Gleason (Brendan Gleeson) and Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard) both presenting David Barlow and Harlan Whitford CIA officials, respectively. Matt Weston’s girlfriend was played by a young French actress and singer – Nora Arnezeder. This film has been her biggest project so far.

Running Time: 2 minutes и 32 seconds.

Read More: Review.

Safe House Trailer

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08.02.2012 | Movies, Videos | GameScope

Safe House »1

Safe House (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Action film, which is titled as Safe House (2012). The movie starring Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washingtom tells a story of a young CIA agent Matt Weston, who is obliged to guard a dangerous criminal, Tobin Frost, hunted by a gang of mercenary assassins. More »
| Movies, Videos

Movies » 1

Safe House (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Action film, which is titled as Safe House (2012). The movie starring Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washingtom tells a story of a young CIA agent Matt Weston, who is obliged to guard a dangerous criminal, Tobin Frost, hunted by a gang of mercenary assassins. More »
| Movies, Videos

Videos » 1

Safe House (2012)
The Official HD-trailer for the new Action film, which is titled as Safe House (2012). The movie starring Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washingtom tells a story of a young CIA agent Matt Weston, who is obliged to guard a dangerous criminal, Tobin Frost, hunted by a gang of mercenary assassins. More »
| Movies, Videos
GameScope * Safe House * Movie Trailer
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