
Rock of Ages

Developer: ACE Team
International Publisher: Atlus
Official Website: English
Genres: Action / Arcade / Tower Defense
Platforms: PC, X360, PS3
MultiPlayer: Internet (2), Split-Screen (2)
Release Date: Q3 of 2011
Our Score:

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

A 3D-game based around Tower Defense concept. A player has to destroy an enemy castle, while rolling a big boulder. The opponent can place defensive objects and units on the landscape to protect their fortress and neutralize the rock’s threat. The match is played out in turns, and there will be a chance to try to collect some bonus coins to spend your saving later on to strengthen your positions before the next adversary’s attack. This new game for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 has been developed by the Chilean studio – ACE Team, which brought us a remarkable Action – Zeno Clash (2009). Rock of Ages will feature a single-player story campaign mode as well as multiplayer options intented for two users interacting in various game modes.

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News » 1

Rock of Ages (En)
ACE Team confirmed the release date for Rock of Ages. The game will come out right in the end of summuer on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. One of the studio's partners, Carlos Bordeu, has explained to our media the reasons for delaying the premiere of the title. More »
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Features » 1

ACE Team
Rock of Ages is a very intriguing project. From one point of view, it could look as a Tower Defense game, but there is much hidden behind it. For example, a high multiplayer potential and some really inspiring art choices to name a few. Read on to our Interview with Carlos Bordeu to find out more. More »
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